Never home...parents are upset.

I've been with my bf for over 3 years now. At first my parents were very against me sleeping over, but eventually warmed up to it where I can freely spend the night multiple nights in a row & they're okay with it. I live 1 hour away from my bf, & my work is 15 mins from my bf's house.

So when I work (Thursday-Sunday @8am), I spend the night at his house so I don't have to deal with crazy unpredictable traffic & have to get up earlier. I am a person who NEEDS sleep & am still SO incredibly tired even waking up at 7:30 am every day.

I haven't been home in 5 days & my dad texted me asking if I'll ever be home. Since I would get home super late when they'd all be sleeping & they leave super early in the morning when I'm sleeping, I thought it wouldn't matter if I just came home tomorrow morning so I'd be home all day waiting for them. Both my bf & I go back to our different colleges next week, so I will be home most days of the week. I'm just trying to soak in the last week of summer, not fall asleep or feel sick because of exhaustion, & please my parents at the same time. I know it seems stupid & I know people will say "just go home" but it's more than that & im not sure how to explain it fully more than I already have.