Don't know if I'm making a mistake!

My ex and I broke up and over 2 years this other guy kept asking me out but I said no because I knew I wasn't over my ex. After 2 years I thought maybe if I dated him I could get over Ex and I thought I was for a while but I think I was just distracted with a new relationship. Now after almost 2 more years, I still think about Ex but I'm best friends with my bf and we have so much in common and live together. My ex and I broke up cuz we fought a lot and I couldn't trust him but we were just getting out of highschool. With my bf we don't fight and we have a good time together but I don't feel the same pull or sizzle that I did with my ex. We have good sex but I don't want to "jump his bones" like I did my ex. I've talked to my ex and so much has changed since highschool (for the good) but my bf is almost everything I want besides that intense spark I feel like I need and want. Idk what to do I'm so confused. Sorry it's so long!!