Baby Ashton finally arrived 41 weeks


Here is my birth story because it's the one thing I loved about this app. Getting to read everyone else's was so helpful! It truly is amazing how different everyone's can be.

Mine started out Saturday 8/19 going in at 4:30pm to be induced. By 6pm I'm 2cm 60% effaced -3 station. Dr has to pull cervix forward, which I thought was pretty painful... HAH, little did I know what pain was then. Cervadil was then placed for next 12hours.

6am comes, still 2cm dilated no changes. Having bad cramps since 4am. Guess those were the start of contractions but I didn't know what they felt like or to expect. Coming every 15 mins very light. Cervadil is removed pitocin is started at 7am at a 2.

First IV failed and took 5 tries to get another IV in. 9am contractions every 5 mins lasting 1 min checked and only still 3cm. Pitocin was slowly upped to a 4 at this point.

9:30am requested pain meds, couldn't handle it. Stadol given. Only lasted until 11, made me feel super dizzy and sick. Walked and napped until 1pm, started having insane contractions because pitocin was upped to an 8 at this point which I didn't know. The nurse just wanted to get things going I guess. Got checked and told I was still at a 3-4cm. Most painful check I had and I was screaming at him to get out of me.

He left and said I could have epidural once I dilated and effaced more. At this point all my talk about no epidural went flying out the window. I was desperate, the pitocin was no joke. Mind you it's only 1pm. Pitocin was now upped to a 10. (max)

I immediately started having back to back contractions after that check. I was screaming and trying my best to get through them. Like eyes closed and grabbing on the side of the bed while bf applied counter pressure. Contractions every 2-3 mins lasting a full minute at least. 1:30p rolled around and the nurse was like "what's going on? Why are you freaking out?" And my boyfriend had to answer her cause I couldn't even speak. I won't even take a Tylenol for a toothache and the pain I was having was insane. Nurse decides to reluctantly check me cause it's only been 30mins. Well I'm 7cm and bleeding so much. Now this was this was the most painful check I'd ever had, I felt like she was stabbing me. I screamed at her to get out of me. They could finally move me to a birthing suite and get me an epidural. So I waddled down there, contractions coming in hot. 2-3 mins apart still and lasting a minute at least. Told epidural would be there in 40 mins. I'm thinking great I may as well die at this point. Then 5 mins later the guy shows up!! He happened to be right down the street at the grocery store. In 5 more mins the epidural was in and I was in heaven!!! I can't believe I wasn't going to get this. I quickly was at a 10 by 3:30 and dr broke my waters (weirdest feeling ever like I had a giant cup of warm water poured on me) doctor had me wait til 4:30 to start pushing cause baby wasn't down far enough. By 8:30pm still no baby and I was feeling defeated. Sleeping in between pushes. The epidural made me feel like I wasn't doing anything and I couldn't even tell when to push. The doctor mentions a c-section if baby

isn't out soon. 9:30pm and the nurse says okay lady I think a baby will be here by 10 cause I kicked it into 2nd gear with the pushing and could kind of feel contractions at this point. 9:42pm and my beautiful coned headed baby comes out!!! I pushed for 5 hours!! No tears either and minimal bleeding. Ashton Eloise at 8lbs & 20 inches 😍