Guys God listens!!!!try to 100%trust him

Soo no matter whAt you pray for no matter what u ask for he is not deaf, nor blind ! He hears and surely listens!!! If I wanna write down the things he has done for me, prolly would have to shut down the app!!!

Yes you reach somewhere and feel like may be he is ignoring u and funny thing is you see others being blessed, succeed, and get what you have been praying for, but you. Let me tell u...I have lived this and more , and o have learn and witness how impatient we are! We are impatient and always in a hurry to get what we want . Think this way ,God is that father that Loves you beyond and when he is quite actually he is finding the best of the best for u at the right time that you wouldn't have to suffer or overwhelmed! Just trust him! Pray and also pray for Jesus to help u relax and be patient about it! And most of all to have faith and trust his ways. Remember what we think is good for us , he has something that waaay bigger and best in unimaginable way! Just wanna encourage you ladies, just be sincere and talk to him 😍😍