does my water brake already?


I really need help with this... this is my second baby... with my first daughter i was induced at 36 weeks because i had not enough liquids inside so with this baby I HAVE NO IDEA how it feels to start a natural labor. I'm almost 39 weeks now and have been with back pain for more than a week now but for sure not like every 5 mins like doctor said. my sister in law asked me to wait until my water breaks, contractions every 5 mins or see some blood before go to hospital. i had fluids before and my doctor cheked and said it was a normal fluid (it was looking like white or yellow), but yesterday when i woke up i felt like wet. i went to the bathroom and it was a clear fluid. my panties were wet and so i but i didnt pay attention to it. So now im leaking since yesterday morning the same thing, the same amount! is like water but sticky and has a weird smell! should i go to the hospital now? 😫