I'm upset about this... Please help! 😣

Mandragongirl • Hi, I am Mandragongirl and I like Anime and Furries.
Ok I've posted before about my nonstop 12 days now, dark brown discharge that has a very strong smell to it. My symptoms since the day it started are Sickness, weight loss (only lost a pound😒), before I eat I feel icky in the stomach and then after, I'm sensitive to strong smells and it makes me feel like throwing up, I have multiple headaches throughout the day, I get dizzy, my taste is off, and I have had leg pains... I went to the clinic for my cough and they said its because I have asthma so they have me medication.. I use the IUD and withdrawal method so I don't think I could be pregnant and I'm asking all of you because every time I ask my boyfriend he just cuts me off and says " don't worry you can't possibly be pregnant.. And I won't let you get pregnant."Â