Do I stay or leave? Why do I feel empty.

We been dating for 7 months.

He's a good man, a good person to his friends and family.

He's wonderful with my kids.

There's just always been something off.

He never holds my hand, when I go in to hold his hand, he lets go shortly after.

He doesn't love on me before or after sex. It's sorta more like he just puts himself inside me.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to a wall.

We have never had a moment where he looked me in the eye and told me how he feels and cares about me.

Therefore I feel uncomfortable to do it back.

As daily partner and "co parents" things are perfect. We also seem like the perfect couple on paper...

But emotionally and intimately I feel so distant.

I have talked to him about it multiple times.

He has tried to be different but it doesn't last long.

I tried discussing love languages. I tried showing affection to see if he would pick up in it.. but I get rejected. It's like trying to cuddle a brick wall.

I'll lay in him but he won't put his arms around me.

I get upset and he gets confused. "I was just laying with you"

I just feel like we're not compatible in that way.

I don't know if I can go on with out the emotional and intimate closeness.

I feel wrong and guilty to leave a man who is otherwise a good man.