Any type 2 diabetics newly pregnant? Need advice!


I was diagnosis with type 2 diabetes this past April and did a HUGE overhaul of my lifestyle and I an thankful to say that I lost 50lbs. in 3 months and brought my a1c down from a 6.8 to a 5.8. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago and I immediately noticed my BG numbers were high when I woke up in the morning. They varied from 97-143. They average around 105, but with my previous pregnancies I had gestational diabetes and anything over 100 inn the am is a no no! I'm REALLY concerned that this is going to have an ill effect on my unborn child(ren). What ate the standard levels when pregnant with type 2? I'm sure I will be placed on insulin (totally fine with that), but atm I'm 5 what and I don't have a appointment with my doctor until next month. What should I be doing?