10 tips for childcare

I've been a nanny for 2 years and worked in childcare for 4 years before that. I've seen all that there is to see when it comes to children, parents and most importantly, my fellow nannies and daycare workers.

It breaks my heart that as time goes by, people have to be more and more distrusting and worried about who they leave their children with. With reports of shaken baby syndrome and abuse in the hands of a caretaker. Or news stories about children ending up dead or permanently damaged due to negligence or pure cruelty. Parents are beginning to avoid leaving their kids with anyone and it's sad.

I just wanted to leave some tips, if parents need or want them, about choosing a nanny/babysitter/daycare.

1. When looking at a daycare, use the wall of information that is legally supposed to be up. Most states require centers to have up a list of infractions that occurred. From big to small. Don't be afraid to question this.

2. Don't schedule a tour of a daycare. Call and ask if they accept walk in tours. Don't give them a specific time or date because they will prepare for you. You want to walk in randomly to see how the natural flow of the center is.

3. Don't be afraid to ask questions to daycare centers. Big or small. There's no such thing as a stupid question. They should be able to answer anything. Ask policies for diapering, feeding and napping.

4. Ask to meet and talk to the teacher(s) that will be in the room with your child. They will have better answers than the director of the daycare because they're in the room.

5. GET A DAYCARE WITH CAMERAS. It best benefits you and your child.

6. If a daycare director seems more concerned about payments than addressing your concerns, run. Your child is just a paycheck to them.

7. If you enroll your child in a daycare don't be afraid to call up at any time and ask how your child is doing. They're required to talk to you and it'll ease your mind.

8. If you get a bad vibe about a nanny or daycare teacher, trust your gut. If your child is acting afraid of a certain person, even if they're unable to vocalize it, it's a red flag. Babies respond to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> and love, and they will like anyone who gives it to them. If they scream just around one certain person, it's usually not a good sign.

9. I would personally suggest a nanny over a daycare. Its more personal one-on-one and it's in your home. You can install nanny cams and have more peace of mind. Daycares ratio are 4 infants to 1 teacher and can have up to 8 in a room. The attention is obviously not as focused on your child.

10. Be picky. You have a mommies instinct and if someone/someplace doesn't seem right, keep looking. You need someone who will value and love your baby like their own.

So those are just some of my little tips. I know it's scary thinking of leaving your baby with someone else. But if that's something you have to do, just know that most all of us aren't bad people. And we love your kids a lot. Good luck to all mommies looking for childcare. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!