My super crazy dilation birth story. Born 39 + 1!!


Baby Viviana Emilia, born August 11th @ 1:33 PM

So on August 10th, I woke up leaking fluid that kept filling up my underwear.

August 9th:

I didn't think too much of it because I went to the ER the day prior for an extreme itch that I thought was cholestasis, and the resident doctor gave me a cervix exam which hurt like HELL! He pushed so far up inside of me that I thought if he went any further he would be inside my brain.

Back to August 10th:

I had an appointment with my OB that day and it was full of drama! I don't wanna get into it to much because that would make this way longer to read. But, long story short I was neglected and prescribed medication for a skin disorder I didn't have and she didn't properly assess me to find out what was wrong with me, she didn't care and refused to return my phone calls. She said something to really get under my skin and then she wrapped it up by saying she was going to see me next week and if I go over my due date (which was August 16th) she'll induce me. Immediately after the appointment, I went on my clinic app and sent a request to remove every appointment I had with her.

I end up taking long naps after leaving the appointment and waking up to more and more fluid. I contact labor & delivery and they tell me I need to come in because they think it sounds like I may have broken my water.

I come in for the check up which leads to them giving me an exam, which I was so scared to get because of how rough the precious resident was, this was way better and didn't hurt as much. They told me that the leaking I was experiencing was discharge (I was shook because I lost my mucus plug after the exam the previous day and my discharge turned into a somewhat bloody brownish color). They told me that I was still a half a centimeter and I wasn't in labor.

I began to cry hysterically because I really believed it was time. That raised my blood pressure to about 146/92, they got really concerned because the day before my blood pressure was high. The resident told me that they were going to induce me because they were wondering if I had gestational hypertension (I do not btw!) and they were worried due to the fact that I was 39 weeks. As soon as they tell me that, my blood pressure lowers 💀

At 12 PM, they give me the pill that they put in your cervix to induce labor. I forgot the name, but it was really small. I was supposed to go to sleep, but there was a ton of questions the nurse had for me so there was no time for that. The nurse wraps up her tests and questions around 2 AM. Around 2, I begin to try and go to sleep, but I keep being awakened by the monitor to track me and the baby. So I ended up staying up. The contractions also began and they were super mild, nothing overwhelming.

At 3 AM, the contractions start increasing. I was pissed off because I wanted to go back to sleep. They check my cervix and it's dilated a 1/2 a centimeter more. I was feeling hot, cold, hot, cold and I kept feeling the urge to use the bathroom but nothing would come out. The contractions in my stomach weren't bothering me, but the ones in my back were KILLING me. The back pain was god awful and I was screaming and hollering like crazy. My husband wanted to go to sleep so bad. Every time the contractions would go away, we would both try to go to sleep and then BOOM another one comes and I force him to get up and rub my back. I literally couldn't move that's how bad my back was hurting. I was breathing so hard through those contractions until I couldn't breathe anymore. I was screaming like crazy. I kept feeling like I had to poop & every time I tried to push, I threw up. All of my chipotle from earlier in the day was all over the floor, I can honesty say I don't think I'll eat chipotle for awhile because that was so unpleasant. I was so constipated, they made me take stool softeners. I begged and begged for pain meds. They eventually gave me some medication for the pain and they told me to go to sleep. Those meds were sent from God!

I slept for about 2 hours and then woke up to my back pain coming back which made me so angry. They told me that they were gonna check me for dilation to see if they wanted to go ahead and give me the epidural. They checked me and I was 4 cm, they were like you're progressing really quickly so we're gonna go ahead and give you the epidural. I was EXCITED! When I tell you I felt NOTHING, I felt nothing. It didn't even hurt to go in my back honestly. My legs were so numb, I couldn't even move them. The anesthesiologist was making fun of me because they said I'm light weight and didn't need an additional dosage of epidural.

I chilled and talked with my husband and wife for a few minutes before the doctor came in. They checked my water and they said it was bulging and getting ready to break, so they went ahead and broke my water. They told me the baby pooped inside of me and I was so creeped out lol

Out of nowhere I started to feel the urge to push after getting my water broken. It was so much pressure down there. I started pushing around 12:40 PM and she came out at 1:33 PM. When she came out she looked just like me and now she looks nothing like me and everything like her father. And that upsets me so much because I carried her for 9 months!!!!!

After labor, I was feeling amazing and ready to take on the world. And then my epidural came out and shit got real. I went to use the bathroom and couldn't pee, but I was bleeding clots like CRAZY! I had a second degree tear. The clots were massive. The nurse was super alarmed and then all of a sudden there's like 10 nurses all in my room confused on what's going on with me. The doctor that had delivered my baby had went home for the day and the only one available was the resident that assisted the birth, but she couldn't come in at the time. They kept cleaning me and cleaning me and pushing my stomach which hurt like hell. They ended up putting a catheter in me which made me want to kill myself. I was hollering and screaming so loud, it shocked me so much that my baby didn't wake up once throughout my yelling (she's a heavy sleeper, literally nothing wakes her up). Eventually the doctor came in and they noticed that my stitches had ruptured. They gave me medication so that I couldn't feel anything while they repaired them. I have never cried so much in my life. I literally wanted to kill everyone in the room. And on top of that after they repaired my stitches, they kept coming in to check on my stomach to make sure the clots were gone and it made me so furious. I still have nightmares about this.

Honestly, labor wasn't so difficult in my opinion. The worst part about all of this is the after birth & the stitches. The burning when I pee, the pain from walking too long, my butt hurts sitting on it too long, and the itching is BRUTAL (they say itching means you're recovering and healing, but it doesn't make it any better)...

I'm 11 days post partum and I can honestly say that it's getting better. But after the horrible experience with my stitches, I don't seriously think I can go through this again.