Sewing Machine Recommendations

Amy • Met my hubby in 2011 we became great friends, started dating 10/14 and were married July 2015. Now we are a family of 3! 👶 Baby #2 on the way!

I really want a sewing machine. I know how to sew, Grandma taught me since I was very little as well as to all the classes in High school I just never got a machine for myself.

I'm on the hunt for one that will be good enough to make just simple bows, clothes, blankets ECT type things. nothing big and a lot of work but I'd love to be able to make myself some stuff.

So what would you ladies recommend? I'm thinking at most, if necessary, spending around $150. but if there is something out there that would get the job done and let me a while that is cheaper, great!

even if you guys had tips of things to make sure to look for would be appreciated.
