Need advice , 33 weeks pregnant

Ok so my ex fiancé , 2 weeks ago up and left over money issues, we both had to move back home. He stole money from me, lied about bills, started hitting up girls, etc. now my ex from before him came back in the picture, I never lost all the love I had for him but times  were hard , he's been so supportive of me and my child, and wants 100% to be in my child's life .  I have 7 weeks until my princess is here , my families in shock of what my ex fiancé did to me . I'm nervous once my baby comes my ex fiancé is going to freak if he find out I have a new man .. but it's his fault we aren't together .. he even deleted off his social media the ultrasound pics of her . Am I getting myself in a bad situation?! I'm extremely happy to have my ex back .