Miscarriage @ 8weeks

Lindira • Proud Micro Preemie Mom to a ex 24 weeker 🤰🏽Oct 22

I just don't know how to feel .... how to express the pain I feel although it wasn't much time it was enough! Not sure if I make any sense but this is my 3rd miscarriage the first 2 were spontaneous and I didn't even know I was pregnant this one I got 5 BFP & was scheduled for an ultrasound and all... but there was just so many complications all around this was the 3rd time within 2 weeks I came to the ER. This time I'm just bleeding like crazy and a lot of clots... still trying to remain positive I had a smile and kept strong ... until 7hrs after waiting for ultrasound results when the doctor approaches me & tells me I'm in the middle of a miscarriage 😧...... now to wait for blood work to see if my hormones have went down...... not too sure what'll happen next just praying it isn't the end for TTC.... it definitely has taken a toll physically and emotionally.... although I'm stronger on the outer than the inner I don't show too much on the outside.... SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS & STORIES BELOW .... Let's help each other cope with our losses.