What is wrong with him?

(sorry it's pretty lengthy) My current mentor hosts get togethers at her home for the youth from the former church I use to attend. This week is game night, I missed the other nights because I didn't want to hear his mouth about it. She has guest speakers about financial and college. I didn't make it to those because of him. We literally got in an argument when I told him I was going the first time, yet I still went and enjoyed myself. I'm not much of social person, that was my first outing and interacting with people my age. I enjoyed learning and being able to take back what I've learned and put to use. Then, I thought about it like wtf, this is a long distance relationship, I'm not happy with, that I'm currently working to get out of. Is this the part of him trying to be controllive? Like he's in another state (3hours away) and he's trying to control everything I do...he gets this quick attitude, like yeah whatever. I'm not sure what to call it, how can you say you love me, but act differently when it comes to minor stuff like this. He's 48, I'm 28, I know age probably does play a role in this, but I feel like it does. He tells me my mentor ain't no good, I don't know why you wasting your time going over there...well damn I was invited. He doesn't really do anything for me, when he claims he does, feel like this relationship is a lie, a cover-up...something! He doesn't want marriage or a family later, all the reason to leave him as well. I don't even see how his family sees this as ok, like everything I do is in the wrong. I don't even know how I toughed it out with him for 4 years of this bs. The first 2 years were okay, after that it became just as different. When we first met he wanted me to get rid of my male friends, that never happened until he forced me to change my number, but I still kept them close, who the hell cuts you from friends, then tells you they aren't your friends, they only got sex, on their mind, everybody ain't your effin friend. It felt demeaning, none of them have ever tried to sleep with me or cross me up for sex. Then, he tries to make me get rid of my bestie, WTF😡😠, hell naw!!! I drew the line, we've been ftiends for over 14 years, who the hell is he, so what she went through some things, AND NOBODY IS PERFECT!!! We're each other's support!!! That really pissed me off, it was like he was trying to alienate me from everyone. I don't hide anything from him, I leave everything wide open including my phone. I'm not doing anything, I don't go anywhere because of him, I couldn't even enjoy my damn birthday because of him. He didn't spend my birthday with me because he was in the hospital. When I asked him if I could come be with him then, he denied me. So I went with my plans for my birthday, I wasn't going to argue with him. I treated myself on my bday, I went to the movies and out to eat by myself. Yet the first thing out his mouth was who was I going with, if I'm by myself, who else would I be going with, HONESTLY!!! he blew up my phone while I was in the novie theater trying to figure out who was I with, I was alone just like how we spend the holidays away from each other. After I went out to eat, I spent the rest of my bday at my parents house and he got pissed about that too. I didn't get a HAPPY BDAY from him or anything just grief. My 28th bday was a disaster. So while he's in the hospital he's still calling me like crazy. (He's in the hospital because he had cancer and the surgery to have it removed was on my bday, he didn't tell me until after we had plans, the first person he told was his barber, he went to her, instead of calling me, I didn't say anything, his only excuse was, I didn't want to bother you at work, ninja REALLY???? We're on the phone or texting each other when I'm at work most of the day! I didn't say anything, I let it go and told him whatever, simply brushed it off. The fact he went to another woman is what shocked me, he didn't even tell nor go to his own mother. Who does that?) I'm so done with it all right now, I don't even say anything to him, last time I did, he said the complete opposite and claimed he never done what I said, yet why would I bring it up if it wasn't bothering me from the jump 😒😑. I guess I'll never understand anything.