Need some good female advice!


So my boyfriend and I have been fighting about the same thing for the last year now. I've been in a controlling relationship before and learned to stand my ground. I need help knowing if I'm doing the right thing by standing my ground or if in need to let up a bit.

The topic we have been fighting about is "partying." Both agreed that nothing but bad things seem to come from it, and that it doesn't need to be part of our lifestyle anymore.

Anyways, last year, my brother was getting married and after much debate I attended the bachelorette party. To me everything went okay. Held a steady buzz but did not get drunk. Stayed within limits. Boyfriend disagreed. One of the activities was a card game to play trying to get people to do things. Dance on a table, "lose" your wedding ring, take a selfie with a married couple. Mine was get someone to fake a proposal. Of course this was meant to be silly, not to be taken seriously and asked who I thought was a safe male FRIEND to play the card. He took this as a hint to hit on me later and got immediately shut down.

My boyfriend says that I opened up the opportunity to be hit on so therefor I cannot be trusted. That I flirted with him first.

The real dilemma is...

My cousin is getting married this spring. He is angry that I want to go "after what happened" I even agreed to not drink completely if it made him feel more comfortable. No deal.


Edit: I offered to pay for him to go but he will be in his last semester of college. Part of the stress comes from him not wanting to have to worry about me during midterms