So hurt

Vanessa • Married for 7 years & TTC for 6 years. IUI 1-5 BFN. We`re now happy adoptive parents! 9-2019 = IVF to make our little one a big sister! ^_^
After two years of unsuccessfully trying on our own for two years. We had our first month of treatment of <a href="">IUI</a> with clomid this last month. We did everything as well as we could have ever imagined. 
I experienced the most different TWW ever. It turns out I was in fact pregnant when I got a faint BFP at 10-13dpo only to grow even fainter at 14dpo (my expected AF date.) 
I went to go have bloodwork done yesterday and the dr confirmed that I had a chemical pregnancy. My bbt temps haven't dropped yet at 15dpo and I'm only awaiting the inevitable AF now. I find myself in tears throughout the day and I even awake in the middle of the night to shed some more tears. 
I feel so broken. I felt so excited to finally see a second line after poas after our two year long struggle.