Hes FINALLY here!


My beautiful baby boy was born on August 22nd at 5:10 PM weighing 8lbs 14 oz and 19 and half inches long. My due date was the 21st, and I went in for my doctor's appointment at 1:30 that day. Of course, when I was getting my vitals done we saw that I had lost 7lbs in a whole week. So my doctor decided to check me and I had not dialated past the same 3 cm I was at my appointment a week prior. When she checked me, she noticed I was very wet and asked about my water. I mentioned that for about 2 weeks I've felt small gushes every once in awhile, nothing continuous though. So she sends me to get an ultrasound and its confirmed my amniotic fluid was extremely low. I am immediately sent to labor and delivery. I get set up in a labor room with IV fluids, and put on pitocin. They hook me up to a monitor and we now just sit and wait. Well, eventually we get to a point where I am having regular contractions, I don't feel them but we can see them on the monitor. The contractions only got more and more severe, yet my only complaint was my lower back, my nurse was freaking out about how I couldn't even feel these massive contractions while I sit on the highest dose of pitocin. So its about 12 am, and the nurse says that the doctor wants me to take a break from the pitocin and to get checked. No progress, I was still only 3 cm. So we take a break until 5 am, when I am hooked back up to the drip. This time the contractions are much weaker, still can't even feel them. Finally I get up to pee and as I'm getting up to move, the nurse rushes in asking if I am okay, appearently when I stood up my heart rate sky rocketed along with a shooting pain in my cervix and pelvis. At this point I've been laboring for 15 hours, so she recommends we go ahead and get an epidural so I could get comfy in the bed, and then shed check me once more. So I get the epidural and my heart rate dropped immediately. Suddenly I feel like I'm falling. They get my heart rate back up and check me...still 3 cm. But its okay! They'll run the pitocin till I reach the 24 hour mark. So, with half my lower body numb and still getting pumped full of hormones my doctor comes to check on me, no progress. At this point they decide to reposition me in the hopes my cervix would relax and let nature run its course. So for 4 hours I lay on the bed with a peanut ball helping position me correctly. When my doctor comes back and checks me....no progress at all. So at this point my fluid is almost gone, I am not dialating what so ever and even though the baby has been doing really well up till now, signs of distress are slowly starting to arise. I have to get a csection. After being terrified of vaginal birth, taking so much time to come to terms with my birth anxiety, I felt like my body failed. I get prepped for my csection and I can't stay awake during the procedure. I was so exhausted I slept through the whole thing. But Its okay! He had some trouble breathing but is otherwise perfectly healthy and thats all I care about!