why do guys just randomly stop talking to you ? update

:( i've been talking to this guy i like for a minute now and everything was going really well or so i thought . we have so much in common but all of a sudden he stopped replying to my texts . he worked overnight the night before so he texted me when he got up at 11 , and then i replied and he never texted back . i know he was on twitter last night around the time he usually texts me so he wasn't BUSY .... idk why this is happening . i really liked him ☹️ oh well , on to the next guy i suppose

UPDATE GUYS he just randomly texted me back trying to continue the old ass conversation i was TRYING to have with him yesterday . i think he's only texting me bc he noticed that i unfollowed him on twitter . ugh why can't guys just be HONEST ! i'm over him bc he's playing games now