Should your spouse help clean if you're a SAHM

Currently pregnant with baby number 2 and our first is 18 months. I currently can't work because of complications so I'm home all day. My partner does not pick up after himself, let alone helps clean. He'll gladly make a mess though! I asked him if he could at least pick up after himself and he got angry stating that because I'm home all day and he works, I should at least maintain the house...which I do! but there are days I don't feel good or I'm tired. he gets off and will stay up till 3 am playing games and then wants to sleep past 12. I on the other hand will get up a every 2 or 3 hours with our daughter because she has not learned any self-soothing techniques yet. I'm up by 7am and I don't normally get to bed until 10-11 and I'm up by 1 with our daughter. He thinks it's easy because I'm home but it's not... :( Am I being selfish for asking him to help clean sometimes? I don't work and he does.

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