Draw the line or lend a hand?!

Gabrielle • 35 years old...Mother of 2

My SO got his car repossessed back in November 2016. We live together and pretty much have the same work schedule so I take him to work/pick him up. My daughter has dance class 2 days a week and an out of state competition at least twice a month. He has signed up for kickball again this year (knowing he doesn't have a car). Now he just texted me asking if I will be able to drop him off and pick him up if he gets a 2nd job. The job is 7pm to 11pm. Its great that he's trying to get a second job; however, this is annoying for a number of reasons. 1) Im already ripping and running nonstop. 2) I get off at 5pm. My daughter has to be at practice from 6pm to 8pm. 3) If he gets off at 11pm, I will have to get my kids (Age 8 & 1) out of bed to go pick him up. 4) Its been damn near a year since he had a car & is just now claiming to try to fix it. 5) He rarely helps with gas and never pitches in on maintenance (oil change or car wash) as it is.

Im all for standing by my partner, but damn. This is a lot for me to take on. I feel like he is making decisions not taking me & my feelings (being extremely tired) into consideration.