embarrassing moment! 😣😣

So last night I spent the night with my bf, like I usually do a couple nights a week. Everything was going great, and we fell asleep watching tv. Around 4 am I woke up with awful gas pains 😖😖 so I decided to go to the restroom and let it out privately lol. But as soon as I got out of bed, I had to run to the restroom to poop so badly!!! 😩 I didn't make it... I was literally standing in front of the toilet, inches away and my body just couldn't hold it 😢 It got on my shorts and I didn't want to go back to bed with out them so I washed them in the sink and let them dry for a few minutes then went back too bed 😥 I slept on the edge of the bed away from him, hoping he wouldn't want to cuddle lol. Eventually my shorts dried and I was able to cuddle him. But I was so embarrassed! That's never happened before.
