When nurses make you feel stupid 😪 (long post)


I had my membranes swept yesterday and have had some spotting since. Just the usual dark brown stuff. My doctor said I had no mucus plug, I was at a 2, and fully effaced.

Well, today at work I went to the restroom and had something odd happen. Got up and turned around to look at the toilet when it automatically flushed and I saw a blur of red blood get sucked down. Knowing my blood shouldn't be bright red (and that I don't have a mucus plug so how would it be bloody show) I phoned labor and delivery and they said to come and get checked.

I get there and the first nurse is super great and listening. She checks me and assures that there isn't any bright blood and that there is only dark brown blood. I tell her repeatedly I didn't come in for that and I know what I saw but I'm relieved there's nothing wrong. Happy with that, she says that I'll be discharged soon and to wait.

This is where I got annoyed. A different nurse came in to let me leave and literally starts trying to explain to me that brown spotting after a sweep is normal and no reason to come into labor and delivery. I immediately got flustered because she was making me feel so stupid!! I already said a billion times now that this was about BRIGHT RED BLOOD and although there's no proof it happened I'm not an idiot and I know what I saw! Plus YALL TOLD ME TO ALWAYS COME IN FOR RED BLOOD.

I know I'm just hormonal and pregnant but jeez I'm due in 3 days and that crap just really irked me 😒