Baby's after an abortion Angels and Rainbows.


My niece is pregnant after a miscarriage. she has been speaking with one of her friends about her Angel baby' and her "Rainbow baby"and explaining what those terms mean, apparently the friend had an abortion for medical reasons (the abortion was not medically necessary) but I believe it was for mental health reasons? (Not 100% sure) would the baby be considered an Angel baby and would her next child be a rainbow baby? I looked the topic up but haven't seen it on here and I don't know because I've never been in the situation

I welcome all comments but please be respectful of others opinions.I know that people will have differing opinions and beliefs that's fine but please don't be nasty.

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Posted at
It's not up to you to decide who gets to call their babies angel or rainbow. It's also not your place to judge what is and isn't medically necessary in someone else. If this girl wants to consider her aborted baby an angel baby and her next one if she chooses to be the rainbow, that's her business and not yours.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Then I apologize. I'd blame my pregnancy hormones and lack of sleep but truth be told it's just hard to interpret some of the bitchy/sarcastic comments from the others. 💁🏾

zöie 🐾 • Aug 24, 2017
I read what you said and I understood. I was speaking generally.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Another person who can't understand the written English language it clearly says one comment above yours that I think mental health is a medical reason so yeah 🤦🏾‍♀️


Posted at
I think it's up to only that woman to decide. My opinion doesn't mean Jack shit really. If she wants to call it that, she is able. She did suffer a loss. Just because it's different from others, that doesn't lessen any struggle she may have gone through. We don't know her story so yeah.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Ok thanks


Kailee • Aug 24, 2017
Yeah I get it. I'd just say it's up to her. I know someone who has had multiple miscarriages and went through a stillbirth and she does not use the term "rainbow baby" at all. It's just up to the individual.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
That's what I thought but when we looked up the definition of rainbow baby it neither included or excluded. I guess she just wanted to know if she could say it without judgment. Not that I was judging her but 🤷🏾‍♀️

Posted at
Tell her she can use whatever terms she feels like. She lost a possible child, because she wasn't mentally healthy (which does count as a legitimate medical reason), so it could very well be considered an angel baby. And then her exit baby would be considered the rainbow baby.

zöie 🐾 • Aug 24, 2017
*next not exit


Posted at
In these situations terms and definitions need to be left out. Let her decide what she wants....


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Ok that makes sense.


Posted at
Idk about the rest. Are you asking about the terminology being used? I've heard angel baby used for all babies really. and Rainbow baby is a baby after a loss of pregnancy.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Ok thank you.


oop • Aug 24, 2017
All I know is Rainbow baby is a baby that follows a loss of pregnancy.. "the rainbow after a storm"


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Yes specifically the terminology, if she wanted to call her baby a rainbow baby it wouldn't make a difference to me I just haven't heard of it for this situation? For lack of better words.


Posted at
No i don't believe they would be


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Ok understandable thanks


KJM • Aug 24, 2017
I don't believe there is a term for these situations. When she would give birth that would be her first child nothing more. I just don't believe it counts since the attachment isnt there like there would be with a miscarriage i also don't believe miscarriages before a certain point should necessarily count but that's for me personally


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Ok can I ask why? Or is there a different term for these situations?


Posted at
It would depend on her specific belief system. I don't believe in angels, so I wouldn't call any baby that.She gets to decide how she labels events in her life


Posted at
I terminated for my mental health (suicidal after rape), and if I would ever want children I would consider that my "angel baby". But that's what I would personally do in a situation where I at all cared to be a mother. It's really just how she feels about it.


Co • Aug 24, 2017
No worries!:) I hope your pal can rest easy as well


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Sorry for your loss and experience.


Posted at
It’s up to her.


Posted at
If you aren't sure why the baby was aborted, then how can you be sure it wasn't for medical reasons?


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
It's literally right underneath your comment.


Jmbk • Aug 24, 2017
Please read the comments I've already explained that.