Open crib


Today was a very challenging day for the last 2 days I have been going to see my baby I try to nurse for 2 feedings and drop off all the pumped milk but he hasn't been latching. It was heartbreaking because I felt rejected. I am tired and it's overwhelming and he wouldn't take the breast. Before I left he latched on for about 10 minutes and I started to feel a little better. Everyone is reassuring me that some preemies do this because it takes a lot of energy for them to latch, just make sure I keep offering him the breast.

Just called NICU for my update and baby is doing well. He's been in an open crib since 3:30 pm August 23rd and he has been maintaining his temp! They gave him a bath and they will check his temp at his 3:30Am feeding. I hope and pray he passes the bath test. If all goes well he could possibly come home after 3:30 pm today as long as he can maintain and he passes his car seat test. They also scheduled for the Lactation Specialist to be present for my 12:30 pm feeding. I am so excited this may be the day!