Skip Clomid and ask for injectables?


Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of an issue. My SO and I have been TTC since March last year. We've had a mc at 10wks, a very early mc(period was late by almost two weeks), and a chemical. We've been seeing a specialist since May and up to now, my lining has been perfect but my ovulation is starting to get a little sketchy. I ovulated much later than expected in June and for this cycle, both of my ovaries are small and do not even appear to be developing follicles. As a result, the doctor wanta to start me on Clomid. I am worried about thinning my lining and drying up mucus, so should I just go ahead and ask them about injectables instead? (We won't be doing <a href="">iui</a> or <a href="">ivf</a> because of the expense, but the injectables are covered by our insurance).