Extremely down in the dumps?


A few days ago, I had a dream where I hung out with my old best friend (ex best friend) in an ice cream parlor and we had a really good time and lots of laughs (she's ex friend for a reason considering she tried to have my boyfriend break up with me and basically manipulated our friendship and relationship also was a huge terrible influence on my man) anyway, after that dream. I've just been depressed. I'm also lacking motivation to do simple things like go to the cleaners and alterations, go back to college shopping, I have so much to do but I lay here and binge watch Netflix. I just feel so down and low. What motivates you? How do you get things done? Another thing!! I wanted to practice yoga and meditation and I still haven't committed, if anyone has beginner tips or even book reccomendations for not only yoga and meditation but any books that would be a good read, I'd appreciate. I've just been really at an all time low today where I'm overthinking constantly and I just feel absolutely shitty. Positive comments only please, I know the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow App</a> is an amazing safe space.