can stress delay a BC withdrawal period?

anonymous • 23

we all know the period you get on BC pills isn't a period it's just withdrawal from the lack of hormones. but my question is.. can stress delay that?

i think i'm stressing myself late because my bf and i were having sex and he pulled all the way out and the condom broke when he went to go back in then a few days later the same thing happened (the condoms were too small and we kept them in our vehicles; we have bigger condoms and no longer keep them in our vehicles)

and then i started BC a few days later

i know there's always a chance of pregnancy but if there wasn't any precum (that we know of) i should be okay right? i feel so fucking stupid. i'm terrified

the first of 'this month and 28th of july are when they broke i'm supposed to start my 'period' in today according to <a href="">Eve</a>. i started sugar pills sunday(august 20th) i've been kinda not really crampy. i was off BC for a couple months so this is my first month back on it.

i also assume if i dont bleed then to test.