My birth story - it was a surprise!


I had an amazing pregnancy throughout, except puking in the begging being lol. When my 37th week appointment came up, my boss told me I could not have Friday off, so I had to re-schedule for Wednesday - which no problem! I did it that :) Wednesday morning comes around, I am getting ready for appt but suddenly, I feel like I am going to pass out! Must be dehydration, I think and head out to the doctor, where I casually mention the episode. Which gets me sent to a cardiologist consult and non-stress monitoring for a few hours😱😳 well, everything looks good and I get sent home.

End of story you think?? So did I..

Except later that night, after making some delicious brownies, I felt a gush of water.. That I knew right then wasn't pee! I get excited, and scared, and yell for my husband and of course go check out the mystery gush 😀 which turned out to be a huge amount of BLOOD😱😱😱 that just kept coming. That's when I get a tiny bit stressed 😫 and call my delivery people. I live 6 minutes from my hospital and I was sure I need to go NOW. When my husband and I get there, the check me and I am at 3cm. They tell me there has been probably placenta detachment and if bleeding gets worse I would have to get a C-section.. 😭 which is something I didn't want - I was hoping for a natural birth.. my husband and I start going through the process I labor through contractions that start to get more and more intense, I was able to get up so I was on my feet through 3-5 cm. Then, I begged my nurse to let me use the tub - because of risks I wasn't allowed to do much but shift changed and new midwife deemed me stable and good so in the tub I went! That sped things up and I went from 5-8cm. Then, I transferred to the bed to start pushing - time to have a baby! The nurse reminded me that I could still get an epidural, but I thought I had this so I declined. After pushing for some time, our baby girl was born! 13 hours labor with first child - I feel so blessed and relieved that we were able to do this without interventions. So to anyone who has a rocky start of labor, don't worry, keep cool head - you got this, ladies!!! Also to anyone who is scared of birth pain - it's bearable. Stitches - not so much at least for me 😝 although our girl has some trouble feeding in the beginning, she is doing great now and gains weight at a steady rate :) breastfeeding maybe challenging at first but if you keep at it, you will succeed!

Lydia will be one month in few days - how time has flown!