My mom hates me!

I want to let this out because it kills me.

So I have one sister who's 16 and I'm 25. And we live in the same house. I am a mom of a 1 year old. I was raped and my mom forced me to have my baby. While I was pregnant my mom and sister treated me so badly. Ever since that I noticed my mom started to spoil my sister and giving her everything she even bought her a car when she was barely turning 15. Then after months she decides she wants the car I've wanted all my life and my mom always throws it in my face that she's never bought me anything when I'm the one who has needed a car, needed her help. And throws in my face she feeds me and my baby and says I'm ungrateful. Where I live theres literally like no jobs and I don't have a car. Then my sister shes always throwing it in my face how shes getting this new car and how she bought this and that, very expensive things kids her age don't have. I feel my mom looks down on me because I didn't get married and then had kids etc. It's like she makes me life miserable when it has been miserable since I was raped. While I was pregnant se would make me mío the floors clean the house and even made me sleep on the floor so our family visitors would sleep in my bed/room. My sister was cruel to me too she once threw a salad on my face with a plate because I was craving it and it was hers apparently. She would push me and verbally argue with me too. I think they hate me especially my mom, she thinks she's superior then me and that she can humiliate me everytime just cause I live under her roof and use her money to buy what I need like food stuff for the baby because I don't ever buy luxury things or stuff I know I shouldn't. She's been complaining of even having me here and won't help me get my own place so I can move to the city where I can find a job, I stead she is buying my sister a car that costs more then 30,000$, a 16 year old who doesnt even have a license I know guys🙄 then I don't have my dad because my mom cheated on him the worst thing was with a guy who liked me first and she knew about it and still talks to him and throws it in my face how he likes her now. My dad was heart broken to finding out she cheated on him and he left out of the country. Unfortunately he can't really help me out because he doesn't have a lot of money like my mom and I would rather him be safe where he is. Yet the money he left me my sister snitched to my mom and she took it all away from me. And was left with nothing. Now I want to move and she still doesn't help me, I don't have family and many friends. I don't know what to do because of that, I feel like I can't continue to live like this it's too much and it had made me so depressed to the point sometimes I feel like my mom and sister really do hate me. Please give me advice guys please please comment!! And I would want to know if anyone could relate to my story 💔🙏🏻