Trisomy 18 Baby Girl


First time posting here in a while. I found out I was pregnant back in May with my husbands and my first baby. We were so excited to become parents. Throughout my first trimester I was so sick, throwing up all day had night, running fevers, I never thought pregnancy would make me so sick. At 13 weeks I had an ultrasound which showed there was something wrong with our baby. Based on the ultrasound they sent us for further testing at a specialist. I was terrified as I had no idea what was going on with my baby. When we went to the specialist they said that the baby had many physical deformities along with a nuchal translucency measuring 9.5mm (normal for this far along would be less than 3mm). So we decided to get a CVS test done. About a week later our test results came in and we found out we were having a baby girl and she was very sick with Trisomy 18 and the doctors said her diagnosis is so severe they didn't think she would survive much longer and I would miscarry sometime soon. My husband and I decided we didn't want to prolong this process and not play the waiting game of a miscarriage. So I had a D&C; procedure done 2 weeks ago tomorrow. This was the hardest decision my husband and I ever faced. But our baby girl would not survive and we did not want her to suffer.

It's now been two week since my procedure and my husband and I finally were able to BD again. We were very nervous at first but I just want to be happy again and in order for me to feel happy and be able to heal emotionally from this horrific past couple of weeks we had i need to get pregnant again.

I am scared and nervous to go through this TTC process all over again. I am terrified to lose another baby. Wish me luck!