Insensitive family need advice feeling depressed

My family is so ignorant they make light of the fact i had a miscarriage. I miscarried at 6wks 3days and my dad says to me "why do you wants kids anyways" ummm maybe because i am happily married 26 yrs old with a 33yr old husband; both with stable good jobs. I married the love of my life 3 yrs ago and have known him since i was 15 yrs old. Then when i am pouring my heart out, in tears to my mom about what my dad said she says to me "what miscarriage? you just got your period; that wasn't even a real pregnancy" this is actually my second miscarriage and both have been extremely hard. I am so hurt by their ignorant remarks that it makes me wanna lash out because i am so angry. I have been depressed all these days and wrking 40+ hrs just to stay busy and those comments were like a kick in the stomach. I feel very sad.