Am I being selfish? 😩😞

So I've been married for almost 3 years and I'm on the IUD because we wanted to wait on the babies because I'm going to school and I'm almost done (kinda) but lately my husband has been talking about starting to try to have a baby but I just have so many things on my mind about the responsibilities We will have if I get pregnant. We have bills to pay off, my school payments, our car and we rent a room (we can't afford an apartment yet because I don't work since I go to school full time) and I told him I would consider taking my IUD out if we move out to have an apartment. It sounds selfish maybe but I just want to have our own place where my baby could run around and not have anyone get annoyed or if they cry not have anyone get angry like it would happen if we stay renting the room. Hopefully someone gets me😞. I just don't know what to do I just started praying to God to give me an answer. It be great to hear other people's opinions (please be nice about it🙏)