Finally Get To Appreciate Myself


So me and him finally ended things after a year and a half. I felt like I gave him my all and I felt like I want getting anything back. I've been through a lot emotionally and I felt he wasn't really there for me the way I needed. He felt that he had lost himself and that he was starting to realize he's not the same person when he's in a relationship and that it doesn't feel like himself. We both realized that what we want right now we can't find in each other. I've dealt with my emotions and felt supported greatly. I'm still young so on impulse I posted my emotions where everyone could see, including him. So many people stated that they were there for me, and finally we told all of social media what happened. We both made it clear that what we wanted was the best for ourselves and the best for each other, and hope to be friends down the road. It's been rough for me because I felt like I gave him every piece of me that I could, including my virginity. The wound is still pretty fresh and we've messaged briefly to say our thoughts on it after a day or two of not talking and said our goodbyes and thank you for the good memories. Today (we broke up Tuesday) he had been playing iMessage games with me and eventually started to tell me personal things. I asked him why he all of a sudden didn't need space and he said he didn't know. I hated telling him this, no matter how much I believe I'm right it was really hard to finally admit that things needed to end and we needed to spend some time apart. He still hasn't answered but I know he saw it. I'm sorry this is long and I wish he would've answered to give me some indication that he knew I was right, but regardless I'm ready to focus on making myself better; and I know when this settles and we feel that we are stronger maybe we can talk and be friends, but for now I'm proud that I stood up and said that this was what we needed. I wasn't trying to ask for advice or support but I just wanted to share my story, and for anyone going through something similar, know that it gets better and people care. People change and who you were at the beginning won't be who you are later, and that's okay. It's okay to need more and it's okay to want to focus on yourself. It's hard at first, but once you feel like yourself you'll be so grateful that you did. And as long as it's healthy it's okay to be friends. But never feel like you have to do anything. It's confusing, it's messy, and it hurts. But that's okay. Soon you'll be ready to focus on yourself again.