
I've been in a relationship with a boy 3 years older than me, I've known him a little while through friends and the young farmers group😂 we've officially been together for a couple months now and I'm almost 100% pregnant already. I'm pretty positive that the condom had spilt during sex two Sundays ago. I was due on 5 days ago and had no blood or any period related feels at alllllll. I've told him and he was pretty chill and obviously wants me to have an abortion which I completely agree with because I'm only 18😂 I'm now on holiday to see my grandparents and can't really do much until I get back in September! I'm starting to get a little bit worried about it all now and v scared.

If anyone's had an abortion before can you please tell me the process and how you reacted to it all! What did your partners say about it and how did they help?

Just need a little reassurance please❤️❤️