Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!

Me and my boyfriend have been together for two year. And I thought we both still felt the same way until tonight: he tells me that he hasn't been feeling anything for me for the pass weeks. I am just tried of pretending that he pleases me physically. And I am okay with it because he makes me laugh. But it hurt me what he said tonight about him no longer want to be with me. I still love him but I'm not will to be with a guy who doesn't feel anything for me . I rather be alone. I have stop talking to some of me close friends and family because of our relationship and it's been driving me insane even though I don't show it. I use to be a free spirit! I love doing things out of the blue and doing random road trip but with him everything has to be planned. Even the small things. And I just feel like I'm stuck in this daily routine. I love going to the beach and dancing and he is more like staying at home and watching Netflix. I don't want me twenties to just be gone by staying stuck in one place. I miss my old self . And I think he does too. Hardest part is that our whole family's have met and I just don't know what I'll say. And I honestly thought I would have married this guy but now i just don't know. He want to be left alone and doesn't believe in what I believe so we clash a lot! Lately I feel that I made a mistake move in and trusting him with my issues and feels because he just been lashing it all back at me. I just don't know what to do! I love him still but I'm having a hard time dealing with all this.