Today is a great day. Hours ago I had my 6 week PP checkup, even though it's been almost 8 weeks (they were booked) me and hubby have made sure not to have sex until I was checked first.

I used to be very sexual in my teens, but when I was 20, I experienced a sexual assault that rattled my life. Ever since then, I have felt no sexual drive, ever. My fire completely went away and I pushed everyone aside. Well, tonight, after I was approved by the midwife, I decided to try and initiate sex with my husband. It was the most mind blowing wonderful sex I've ever had and I crave more. I knew having a child would increase our "closeness" but I never expected this! I am so grateful and I know he is too!!! Thank ALL the gods!!!!!!!

I had an emergency C Section, so I didn't think that it would change anything with my sexual experience, but man, it did! And I am so satisfied. I haven't felt this way in over 4 years.