2 hours of active labor, 20 minutes of pushing, baby Eddie was born in the Corridor between the meta...

Nataile • Married💍👫 Mummy of 6 👦🏼Nolan Morgan - 9 years 👦🏻Niall Seth - 7 years 👼🏼Elias James - July 31 - August 3, 2015 👶🏼Noah Xavier - 2 years 👼🏼Esmè Lauren - October 14, 2016 - January 22, 2017 🌈👶🏼Eddie Reign - 3 weeks old

2 hours of active labor, 20 minutes of pushing, baby Eddie was born in the Corridor between the metarnity ward and delivery suite. 


August 26, 2017


3lbs 14.4oz

16.1inches long