Positive Induced Birth Story


FYI: I personally didn't find my induction scary or traumatic and that's why I'd like to share it so people aren't scared going in (I had midwives tell my mum and boyfriend that they should be proud of how well I did and that I worried them because with my worst contractions I'd just say ouch that mildly uncomfortable!) my baby is now 4 months old.

On Monday April 10th I went to hospital at 10pm with reduced movements for the 5th time (I didn't have an easy pregnancy with morning sickness until labour at 38 weeks, migraines and lack of movement from baby, urine infections, and thrush at 18 weeks where we thought my waters went.) I had to make a decision to be induced that night or risk my sons life until my due date.

At 12:40am Tuesday April 11th I had a pessary inserted and contractions started immediately very randomly and I felt like very mild cramps (I later found out I have a very high pain tolerance), I was taken to a bed to stay over night and be monitored and checked regularly. By 10pm that night my contractions were at 90% on the monitor and by 12:40am Wednesday 12th April when my pessary was removed my waters could be felt.

I didn't get much sleep that night maybe an hour at most due to two women giving birth literally beside me within an hour or two of each other. 7am that morning I went to have my waters broken and by 12 in the afternoon I was having regular conversation contractions (that I can only describe as mild cramping) my midwife had to have her hand on my stomach to count how long they went on for because i could only feel the most painful part of them. Once they were every 5 minutes or so I was checked again only to be 2cm dilated when the decision to have a hormone drop was made at 2pm (reluctantly I might add as I have a fear of needles but I would have had to argue with a consultant to walk around for another 2 hour to try and move things along) by about 4pm I asked for gas and air because of the lack of sleep I'd had previously; I wasn't in much pain I was just exhausted. I started needing to push at about 5pm and an hour later I asked for diamorphine for the same reason. During hours of pushing I ripped out my hormone drip, I wasn't aware I had until I saw my hand bleeding like mad ( really don't advise doing that), so another doctor was called to put it back in. I refused several times before they agreed to have a consultant tell me my options, where it was agreed that if I had made no signs of progression by 9pm I'd had to have another one because my waters had gone.

At 8:50pm the consultant came back to check the progress I'd made and stayed until my little boy was born at 9:02pm.

The part of this entire experience that I hated the most was getting stitches after my birth (my son came out like

Superman and grazed me) and the burning feeling whilst peeing.

If anyone has any positive induced stories please feel free to share them, as a lot of people; myself included, are told only horror stories. Also if you have questions feel free to ask.