little down

I want a baby in the worst way. after 2 miscarriages. I've gotten a little frustrated. And my boyfriendbof 5 years still isn't on team baby. But isn't trying to prevent one either. I was told only one of my ovaries work right. And now after having a d/c done I don't get my period unless I take meds for it. also I have type 2 herpes. so makes things a little harder on me. I'm not obsessing over it. but some times I have to leave a store when I see to many people with babies. or have to walk and avoid the baby department. what do you do when your body just dosent work right.. any love would be tottaly appreciated. I don't overly think about sex as in a result of baby. but there's always a little hope every time. although I don't have a great sex life. not great in the getting it on department lol.