I need advice


Ok so a few months ago I met a guy on Instagram who lives across the ocean from me. We met because we are fans of the same musician and one day I had to reach out to him because he was going to kill himself. I just had to talk him out of it and I did. Anyways we've gotten pretty close these last few months to the point where I now have feelings for him. I was going to not tell him because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I just I did ok! And he likes me back, but we both agreed that it wouldn't be a good idea to start a relationship since we've never met. I did tell him though that if we ever crossed paths the we have to go out on a date just to see you know? And honestly after we told each other, not much changed. We are still friends, but we flirt more now that we know. He has told me a few things he has never told anyone else and I told him one thing I've only told one other person. He has told nobody my secret and vise versa. He also has never asked an inappropriate question like where I live, for pictures, or anything like that. I can't help my feelings and hope that someday if either of us travels or whatever we do meet because he is really awesome. I guess my question is am I being stupid for feeling this way about a person from Instagram? Because you here stories like this and they usually don't end well.