At 40 weeks and 4days I decided to try castor oil for the second time to see if it would work since ...

At 40 weeks and 4days I decided to try castor oil for the second time to see if it would work since I was over due lol. Hours later I started having contractions but weren't bad. They got closer together 5-6 minutes apart. I went to the bathroom and wipe away mucus with bright red blood in it. So I got everything ready and went to the hospital at 11pm 8-23-17. They had me on the monitor and my contractions became closer together 2-4 minutes apart. They had me walking around the hospital for 2 hours. I was only 4-5cm dilated & my water was still in tact.
 Next day 8-24-17contractions were further apart abt 10 mins. So they gave me pitocin to make them more effective since i was 4 days over due. I got to nap a little until the contractions started coming strong. I walked around the hospital again. Then they gave me a ball. I Was able to use it for 2 mins but it sucked!! So I just got a back in bed. They rechecked my cervix and I was 7cm dilated. At 10:06pm 8-24-17 I gave birth to my baby boy