A Cautionary Tale πŸ‘€πŸ˜‘πŸ˜³πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜΄


This might be long but I feel like someone should laugh at my plight. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, been together for 14, and I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I have never had reason to even suspect he was cheating. He works with my dad, I know his work schedule, and we are both typically home bodies. Well, since getting pregnant I have these strange ass dreams of him leaving me or cheating. It's happened enough times I brought it up to him (I find it funny as well as unsettling) and he was dead serious when he was shocked and told me how he wants our son raised in a stable home with two parents who love each other and nothing would make him leave me...and definitely not for someone else. This was months ago. Last night we are at the movies and his phone goes off. He gets email notifications. I have seen them. I know this. My crazy hormone brain wonders if he is using the emails as an excuse to be on his phone. I literally saw the notification come up and I KNOW it was an ad for a game πŸ˜‚ I sound crazy, right?

A week ago, my friend invited us for a fire at her house and his friend invited him to watch the fight tonight. We rarely have plans that prevent us from going to things together so I was a little disappointed only because my friend lives 45 mins away and I hate driving at night. Still, I encouraged him to go with the guys and didn't tell him I was nervous. I start thinking and I wonder if the fight is a reason to get away from me for awhile as he has never been even remotely interested in the fights. I want to look at his phone (he is outside and it is charging). I don't because I respect his privacy. He gets a text and I yelled out to him thinking he'd want the phone but he just tells me to read it and tell him what it says. He doesn't bat an eye. It's definitely his friend (his texting grammar makes me nuts and always has) and it's just them planning the pay and who all else is getting together. Once again, I feel like an absolute idiot. πŸ˜’ Yeah...it gets better.

I left my friends at 11:30 and he was texting me all night back and forth (he started it) complaining that they kept having trouble watching the fights and they were going to be pushing back the fight. I got home and told him I was heading to bed. I fall asleep and wake up at 3. I'm still laying here by myself. I wait until 3:30 unable to sleep and I become detective and am looking at FB to see when my guy friends said about the fight to see if the fight had gone on. I message him. He doesn't reply. It goes on 3:50 and I text him asking what is happening. One of my biggest fears is that I'll go into labor and be alone and unable to get a hold of him. This is also the man who has trouble going to the drive in because he can't stay awake. He's never out this late! My mind starts going, I can't sleep and I was honestly getting mad. This is SO not me. I never get like this when he's out. I've never doubted him. Still, the fight was over for almost 3 hours.

I go down at 4 to pee. I've laying here awake on my phone for a full hour working myself into a paranoid stomach turning frenzy. I walk downstairs. Guess who is snoring away on our couch with the TV timed off? He had obviously been home for quite sometime. There is his phone on the coffee table with my two messages unread.😳

I feel like SUCH an idiot. He didn't even smell like alcohol when I asked him to come to bed. Dear God do I love this man for all his loyalty and I feel like an AWFUL wife for doubting him. He has done nothing wrong and yet these dreams are freaking me out. Ladies, if you have a good man, trust them!!! I just lost an hour and a half of sleep over nothing. I also know I'll be teased when he wakes up and notices those texts. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Now, I'm off to sleep.