Verbal abuse

My husband is verbally abusing me. I have a one week old. His mom is also being very mean. I think they don't have the best for me but it's hard to report verbal abuse. I think he is cheating and she is defending him. Has anyone ever reported verbal abuse how do you stop it and keep myself and baby safe away from them thank you I feel like they are gaslighting

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Verbal and emotional abuse are hard to prove. Sounds like your best option would be to leave. Even if you report it the situation may get worse. The state would send them to classes but that's about it. They are not going to house you.


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depending on where you live well slightly change your available options, but there are always options and verbal abuse is definitely reportable. I would also suggest individual counseling for yourself and a domestic violence support group if available so you're not feeling alone. there may also be shelters for you and your baby which can also link you with resources so that you could soon get on your own. just remind yourself that you're worth more and you're not alone.


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if you are going to report them, next time it's happening subtly take out your phone and either start a video recording or a voice memo and present it as proof. please stay safe and i hope things get better


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Yes, you can report to the police IF you feel threatened in any way. They are required to take a report/make a stop to see about safety if the household. Any type of abuse is abuse. Stay strong.


L • Aug 28, 2017
*safety of the household