Almost 6 month old forgetting how to use bottle?


My son is 25 weeks tomorrow and over the last few weeks, he's acting like he's forgotten how to use a bottle. My mil baby sat one night and he didn't eat but may be an ounce in 5 hours? I thought he just wasn't hungry but when we went shopping, he couldn't figure out the bottle, he kept chewing on the nipple like he does his paci. I thought it was bc it was a level 1 nipple so I got out the level 2, and this morning he did the same thing when I tried giving him a bottle again. I know it's been a little while since I've had to bottle feed him bc I usually find a quiet place to nurse if we're out, but I didn't expect him to completely forget how to use a bottle. I was more worried about him forming a preference for it. Has any other nursing moms had this happen? If he has indeed forgotten how to use it, it's going to make it difficult to leave him with a sitter when we need to go out. Should I see if a sippy cup works? Or could it be he doesn't like the thawed milk?