Terrible experience- knocked my confidence- in need of reassurance


I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I was speaking to a guy on tinder for a while, went and met him at his house. (Don't judge). I wasn't really into him but something came over me and we got intimate. After a while I stopped enjoying it, he was relentlessly pounding me and sweating all over me and it hurt so I asked him to stop. He started back about 10 minutes later and again in the morning with no warm up. At one point, he was going so hard, I felt that sort of orgasm feeling but it wasn't pleasant as I was in pain. I felt like I might have leaked a little urine at that point (which isn't uncommon for women in general) but neither of us noticed anything. He seemed way more into me that I was him, so after waiting to hear back so I could let him down gently, I prompted him by text. His response was "didn't you know, you wet my bed. I had to change the sheets and get a new mattress"

I was baffled. I could have sworn my leak was just a dribble, I definitely didn't go in my sleep as I slept in my underwear and woke up dry. I was confused but I apologised and asked some questions to try and figure it out. (Obviously it's relevant from a health and mental wellbeing perspective). He wasn't very nice about it, said he didn't expect to have to do that (change the sheets) and my self esteem isn't really his problem so I should just leave it and delete his number.

This whole thing has left me feeling like I want to crawl into a hole in the ground and never emerge. The embarrassment of sleeping with him when I didn't really want to, and being accused of wetting his bed... I felt like a new woman after dropping 30lbs and gaining so much confidence and now this has really shaken me. I'm not sure how to resolve it in my head... help?