Are u ok with ur husband going to the strip club?

I'm cool with it....if it's for a special occasion, like bachelor party, 21, 30, 40 bday party. But if he's going on a random day just to get off I feel that's super disrespectful to me. We talked about this together n he said he agreed with me and was ok with that arrangement....well I just found out he's been going 1-2 times a month every month for the past 2 yrs n lying to me saying he's just going to the bar with his buds. I'm so hurt n disgusted. I feel betrayed. I feel like I can't ever trust him again n that my only option is divorce. Without trust there is no love. How can he say he loves me but lie to my face with no remorse for 2 yrs? He says I'm overreacting for wanting a divorce. He says all men do it n it's not like he's cheating so he doesn't see why it's bad. He said he only lied cuz he didn't want me to be mad...idk what to do. I gave him 15 yrs of my life and 2 beautiful kids...


When I asked why he goes so much, he says he doesn't want to tell his boys no when they invite him cuz he doesn't want to miss out on a good time n drinking with them. I should add he has a huge drinking problem. He can't ever say no to a drink unless I make him n then we fight til he's sober n realizes he was an ass. But the fact that he can so easily lie to me for 2 yrs without feeling bad about it. It hurts me so much and makes me think what else has he lied about. How can I trust ANYTHING he says ever again? I can't.