Surprise at 39 weeks!
Started to have contractions on 8/24 but i definitely didn't expect it to be the real deal because I'd been dealing with false labor contractions for 2 weeks. Also, with my son I carried until 41 weeks, and I was only 38+6 and I thought there's no way I'm having this baby early. During the day when I noticed I was having a lot more BH then normal I figured I would try to keep busy to see if maybe they would turn into actual contractions. They did, but not for long. They stopped after a while and I was super frustrated. My husband, son, and I decided to go walk around at the fair. I noticed a couple of contractions but not enough to time, so I just wrote them down in my phone. Later that night around 12-1 I noticed I was having more of them, still not timing them I decided to take a bath at 2 in the morning and they ended up getting 6-7 minutes apart and that's when I realized it could be the real deal! So I labored all that night with the contractions, they never became consistent, but they were definitely starting to become more intense. Around 6:45 I woke my husband and told him I didn't want him going into work because we were probably going to be having us a baby that day! He didn't think it was the real deal because they weren't consistent, but once he saw how intense they were he realized we needed to head to the hospital. As I said my emotional goodbyes to our 2 year old, I started to become super nervous. I told my husband if they check me and I've not dilated I will kill him 😂 sure enough they checked me and I was dilated to 4cm and was 90% effaced so they were keeping me! Once I got into a room one of the nurses showed us a position that helped my back labor and gave us some tennis balls and I was so so happy because the back labor was horrible. I labored for a while in that position and they had came to check me about 1-2 hours later and I was at 6 cm. I switched positions multiple times and it was really starting to get intense. When they checked me again I was still only at 6-7 cm so I asked for pain meds through the IV (my major goal was no epidural). The only thing that did was make me a little loopy lol. When they checked again around 2 I was at an 8. At this point I felt like I just couldn't do it anymore but my amazing husband pushed me through every contraction. I decided earlier on to let my water break on its own and sure enough after they checked me 10 minutes later my water broke. When I had told them they came back and and that's when it got really intense for me. I thought to myself as I screamed through every contraction that I seriously can't do this but it was too late to back out now. They checked me again and sure enough it was time to push. The doctor wasn't in yet but my body took over and started pushing on its own. They told me to not push but I couldn't help it. It was the craziest experience to feel my body literally pushing itself without me doing anything. Dr came in and my husband gloved up to help deliver. My husband said it was the most amazing experience ever! The dr literally talked him through what to do and he got to do (mostly) everything! I pushed about 4-5 times and baby was out. It was so crazy to feel my body bare down and push because with my first I had an epidural and couldn't feel anything and I was pushing for 2 hours. I am so thankful for a husband to pushed me through each and every contraction and literally would not let me get an epidural no matter how many times I aid I couldn't do it anymore. We met our 2nd little boy (Team Green!!) at 2:54 pm ❤️ one of the best experiences ever!
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.