Ahh idk what to do

So I have been dating my bf for 3 years and am 20. I am a full time student trying to get into medical school. I volunteer in my free time and honestly can't commit to a job and handle school at the moment. I just moved into an apartment at my new college. My apartment is kinda expensive but for the area I'm in it is cheap. Well my bf and I are long distant. He's super close with my family. I am 2 hours from my family and trying to figure out how to have my bf visit me. My parents are very conservative and against him visiting me at my new place. Here's my view they know we have slept together before. If I didn't have a bf I am sure I would have guys hanging out in my room or going out to parties with random guys...isn't kinda good I have a bf I trust completely? I am the oldest so I think that this is where my parents strong belief in him not visiting comes from. I don't want to not tell them he's coming but I also want to just lay with him in a bed (we are both waiting until we are completely over long distance to have sex). Do I not tel my parents or what?? I respect and understand their concern but I am 20 and everyone I know has a bf or guy hat stays over and their parents don't care/don't know.