1 mom 4 kids 3 dads


My mom had my sister n I young. She was with dad after n had my brother was another man. Then years later another man n my youngest sister. So it's me, kim, ej & kayla.

4 kids one mom 3 dads.

I think she's worried my half sibs n i I see eachother differently. But we dont....like DEF we don't. I never even thought about it till she brought it up. We r all very close so its not from sib relationship strain...maybe she had too much wine😂Her words were "I hope you 4 don't look at eachother as HALF siblings"

Like ma....quit stressing.. WE DEF just see eachother as brother n sisters. Half...? What the EFF is that even? We r just like any other full blooded siblings. We only look different....but honestly we don't even notice that till someone points it out.

Anyone else have half siblings? I live them all the same:)