
I have been keeping track of my cycles and my body...I'm CD11 took a pee test.. nothing!! what I am doing wrong?!

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Posted at
You may have not even ovulated yet CD is early (unless you ovulate early and have a short cycle). Average day of ovulation is CD14 and you wouldn't get a positive preg test until you in the middle of CD20's


Posted at
Do you mean 11 dpo or cd 11? If it's cd 11 then you probably haven't even ovulated yet. If it's 11 dpo then it's still pretty early. Just test again if your period is late.


Tina β€’ Aug 28, 2017
im pretty sure its CD11. but will plan on testing if i miss my period thanks.. im new at this ttc. thanks for the advice.


Posted at
ok and here was my ovulation test I took last night about 8:30pm. so i assume I'm close??


Tina β€’ Aug 28, 2017
okay awesome thank you very much!❀❀


Keri β€’ Aug 28, 2017
No this is not a close ovulation test. The test line needs to be just as dark if not darker than the control line. I'd say, estimation at least 4 days away.